Antoni Ruiz

Dual Vocational Training: A Path to Employability

In a world where employability has become a priority for both governments and companies, Vocational Training (VET) emerges as an effective and adaptable solution to the needs of the labour market.

The European Union and the OECD have repeatedly highlighted the importance of training in the workplace as a key factor in improving the employment opportunities of young people. Spain has not been left behind in this area, with the enactment of Organic Law 3/2022 on the organisation and integration of Vocational Training, which reinforces the dual nature of VET and establishes closer collaboration between companies and educational centres.

The Dual Nature of Vocational Training

Organic Law 3/2022 marks a milestone by providing a dual nature to all Vocational Training in Spain. This means that training is not only carried out in classrooms, but also in workplaces. This integration not only makes it easier for students to acquire practical skills directly in the workplace, but also makes companies co-responsible for the training of their future employees. This dual model not only improves academic training, but also increases the relevance and practical application of the knowledge acquired.

Challenges and OpportunitiesImplementing the dual nature of vocational training in all autonomous communities presents several challenges.

Coordination between companies and educational centres, the adaptation of curricula to include practical training, and the need to monitor and guarantee the quality of training in the workplace are some of the obstacles that must be overcome.

However, these difficulties are accompanied by numerous opportunities

The Future of Training-Business

In our upcoming conferences and in the News Letter, we will address step by step the opportunities that this change in the training-business relationship can offer.

We will explore how companies can benefit from actively participating in the training of their future employees, ensuring that students are not only academically prepared, but also aligned with the specific needs of the labour market.

We will analyse success stories and offer practical tools so that both companies and educational centres can maximise the benefits of dual VET.

Dual Vocational Training represents a necessary evolution in the education and training of our young people. By integrating theory and practice, and by fostering close collaboration between companies and educational centres, we are building a system that not only improves employability, but also dynamically responds to the demands of the labour market.

As an expert disseminator and speaker, I am committed to continuing to inform and analyse these changes, providing clear and practical guidance for navigating this exciting evolution in Vocational Training.

Don’t miss our upcoming conferences and articles to stay up to date with all the news and opportunities that dual Vocational Training offers!

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