Antoni Ruiz

Promoting Vocational Training: Years of Dedication

Throughout the year, I dedicate my time and energy to the dissemination of vocational training in institutes and companies throughout the State. My commitment to this goal is deep, because I firmly believe that trades and professions are fundamental to improving employability and ensuring the viability of our companies.

Vocational training not only prepares young people for the world of work, but also boosts the local economy by providing companies with qualified and motivated workers. This is why I have worked tirelessly to promote these programs in each institute I visit.

In addition to my outreach work, I also dedicate myself to mentoring young people. My experience as a “student apprentice” in my teens has taught me invaluable values ​​that I now share with the new generations. My goal is to inspire and guide these young people, helping them find their way and develop skills that will be useful to them throughout their lives.

Vocational training is a powerful lever for employability. Equipping students with practical skills and technical knowledge opens up a range of job opportunities and provides them with the tools necessary to thrive in their future careers.

Every week, I visit institutes and companies, speak with students, managers, parents and teachers, and organize workshops and informative talks. Through these activities, I try to show them the advantages of opting for vocational training and how this decision can positively impact their lives and that of their communities.

Trades and professions are the backbone of our society. My mission is to highlight these paths, showing that they are not only viable options, but essential for the growth and sustainable development of our communities.

My work does not stop there. I offer you my experience through a periodic newsletter, where I teach you how to make the most of the proposals of Training Centers and companies with educational and professional opportunities. Find the link in the comments 👇👇👇

#FormaciónProfesional #FPdual #Certificadosprofesionales #Educación #Oportunidades