Antoni Ruiz

🌟 Avui he donat sang a l’Hospital de Can Ruti 🌟

Today I went to donate blood as I do periodically to the Hospital de Can Ruti in Badalona. I want to spread the need to donate blood, especially in summer, when the reserves are very low. The people in charge of the center have conveyed to me the urgency of this situation.

To all my followers and friends, I encourage you to reflect on the importance of donating blood. In a society that is so individualistic and focused on personal success, it is worthwhile to stop and look around us. We are fortunate to be able to collaborate and support those who need it in something so basic and elemental for life.

Join this cause without hesitation and with the conviction that tomorrow we could be the ones who need that help.

Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol Blood Bank

Banc de sang Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol

❤️💉 #DonarSangre #Solidaridad #HospitalCanRuti #Badalona #AmorAlPrójimo #SalvaVidas #DonaciónDeSangre #VeranoSolidario #ResponsabilidadSocial #AyudarEsVivir #HazteDonante #JuntosPodemos #Salud #Vida

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